UDE model construction

Some users may wish to access elements of a fitted model directly to create custom model visualizations, performance tests, or other applications not foreseen by the developers. To this end, we provide documentation of classes (Julia mutable structs) used by UniversalDiffEq.jl to build the NODE and UDE objects. The package is built around the UDE class which stores the data used to fit a model and instances of six submodel classes used to define the full model.

UniversalDiffEq.jl uses a state-space modeling framework to define and fit NODE and UDE models. State-space models are a class of time series models that describe time series data with a process model that describes the dynamics of a sequence of unobserved state variables $u_t$, as well as an observation model that defines the relationship between the state variables $u_t$ and the observations $x_t$. The process model $f$ predicts values of the state variables one step ahead

\[\hat{u}_{t+\Delta t } = f(u_t; t, \Delta t, \theta_{proc})\]

where $\Delta t$ is the time span between observations, and $\theta_{proc}$ is the process model parameters. The observation model $h$ maps from the state variables $u_t$ to the observations $x_t$

\[x_{t} = h(u_t; t, \Delta t, \theta_{obs})\]

where $\theta_{obs}$ is the observation model parameters. In addition to these primary functions, both the observation model and process model have a loss function to measure the accuracy of their predictions. This can be thought of as the likelihood models used in generalized linear models. For example, we can measure the performance of the process model with a normal likelihood

\[L(\hat{u}_t,u_t) = \frac{1}{\sigma \sqrt{2\pi}} e^{-\frac{1}{2}(\frac{\hat{u}_t-u_t}{\sigma})^2}\]

where $\sigma$ is the variance of the prediction errors. Although in principle any likelihood can be used, we use the mean squared error in our base model specification.

The UDE models also include submodels to regularize the process and observation models. The regularization models are functions of the model parameters that add to the loss function. The regularization models are in effect priors on the model parameters. Regularization is especially important for neural network models to reduce overfitting to training data and make the models more generalizable. For example, our default model constructors apply L2 regularization to neural network parameters in the process model

\[R(\theta_{proc}) = \omega ||\theta_{proc}||_{L2}\]

where $\omega$ is the weight given to regularization in the overall loss function.

These six model components are all combined into one loss functions used to fit the UDE models

\[L(u,\theta_{proc},\theta_{obs};x) = \sum_{t =1}^{T} L_{obs}(x_t,h(u_t,\theta_{obs});\sigma_{obs}) + \sum_{t=2}^{T} L_{proc}(u_t,f(u_{t-1},\theta_{proc});\sigma_{proc}) + R_{obs}(\theta_{obs}) + R_{proc}(\theta_{proc}).\]

where the $\sigma_i$ are parameters for the loss functions and the $\theta_i$ are parameters for the prediction functions.

The UDE object combines the observation and process models and their respective loss and regularization models into one larger model object along with the data used to fit the model.


Basic data structure used to the model structure, parameters and data for UDE and NODE models. ...


  • times: a vector of times for each observation
  • data: a matrix of observations at each time point
  • X: a DataFrame with any covariates used by the model
  • data_frame: a DataFrame with columns for the time of each observation and values of the state variables
  • parameters: a ComponentArray that stores model parameters
  • loss_function: the loss function used to fit the model
  • process_model: a Julia mutable struct used to define model predictions
  • process_loss: a Julia mutable struct used to measure the performance of model predictions
  • observation_model: a Julia mutable struct used to predict observations given state variable estimates
  • observation_loss: a Julia mutable struct used to measure the performance of the observation model
  • process_regularization: a Julia mutable struct used to store data needed for process model regularization
  • observation_regularization: a Julia mutable struct used to store data needed for observation model regularization
  • constructor: A function that initializes a UDE model with identical structure.
  • timecolumnname: A string with the name of the column used for
  • weights
  • variablecolumnname
  • valuecolumnname



A Julia mutable struct that stores the functions and parameters for the process model. ...


  • parameters: ComponentArray
  • predict: Function the predict one time step ahead
  • forecast: Function, a modified version of predict to improve performance when extrapolating
  • covariates: Function that returns the value of the covariates at each point in time.



A Julia mutable struct that stores the loss function and parameters. ...


  • parameters: ComponentArray
  • loss: Function



A Julia mutable struct that stores the loss function and parameters. ...


  • reg_parameters: ComponentArray
  • loss: Function

